All About In Home Family Photos

There are so many great reasons to document your current season right at home – read on to learn more!

7 Reasons to do an In-Home Photo Session This Summer

1 – Lets state the obvious …. it’s hot and humid as heckkk in Florida right now.

Why not choose a location that prevents everyone from sweating, getting eaten by mosquitos and having frizzy hair?!

2 – The summer rain is very unpredictable.

I always monitor the radar leading up to your session, but sometimes it’s just impossible to predict in advance! This means that often times in the summer we are waiting until the last minute to see what the weather does, which can make planning and getting ready for your session difficult.

3 – Your home is unique to you.

We have some beautiful locations around Tampa, Florida to use as backdrops for photos, but oftentimes they are crowded with lots of other people or photographers. Why not create images that are totally unique to you and your family, and have privacy without having to deal with crowds of people!

4 – We can incorporate fun activities!

The best part of in-home photos is that we get to make the rules! I love planning an activity during your session that is symbolic of this season in your lives. Do you enjoy making homemade pizzas as a family on Friday nights? Let’s do it! Have kids that love running through the backyard sprinkler? Let’s set it up! Do you all pile in to bed together on Saturday mornings? Cozy, intimate photos that represent your life are so beautiful and special.

5 – We don’t have to revolve around sunset for the start time of our session, which is late in the summer and can be difficult for small children!

The best part of in-home photos is the flexibility on start time! Depending on which rooms in the house we want to use, we’ll typically start mid-morning or in the afternoon when natural light is pouring through the windows.

6 – You don’t have to worry about packing a million things: snacks, spare clothes, hair brushes, makeup, shoes, etc.

Everything you need is already right at home, so it’s a lot less stressful getting everyone prepped and ready for your session.

7 – The kids are more comfortable, and contained!

Sometimes it can take the kids a while to warm up to a new and unfamiliar place. Doing your session at home removes the element of unfamiliar surroundings, and it’s especially great for wandering toddlers to stay contained in one place.

<3 Alyson Teresa Photography | In Home Family Photographer, Tampa FL


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  1. […] location. In fact, I’ve written an entire separate blog post about it which you can find here! To keep it short and sweet, in-home sessions will always be unique to you and your family, the […]